Aquarium Accessories

Irwini Catfish – Habitat, Size, Behavior And Diet

irwini catfish

The Irwini catfish is a gentle giant that is typically kept in aquariums and gets along well with its fellow tank mates.

It is also known as megalodorus uranoscopus, which is a species of thorny catfish that is native to south America.

This catfish can be found in the Amazon and is known for its unique and heavily armored body. Also, this fish is a good scavenger since it will consume any food that has fallen to the bottom of the aquarium.


This distinctive and heavy bottom-dweller requires an aquarium that is both extremely large and has a substrate that is quite soft.

Again, the width and length of an aquarium are quite important and even more crucial when compared to the height of the tank; as a result, more consideration ought to be given to the width and length of the aquarium rather than to the height of the tank.

In addition to this, they grow quite swiftly and necessitate a great deal of attention. You should provide them with places to hide, such as caves, rocks, and pieces of PVC pipe that have bores and broad openings.

This is why having sufficient hiding places makes it possible for these species of fishes to move around exactly as they want want to, and when they want to, it also gives it some sort of comfort, which makes it swim around and retreat at the slightest sense of danger.

In addition to this, make sure that it has a dim light that is not too bright. However, if the light is too bright, the tank can be decorated with a robust mother plant like anubias or java fern, or it can be linked to floating vegetation.

You could want to consider installing a blue moonlight in the aquarium, particularly just before the primary aquarium lights are turned down, so that you can take pleasure in watching the nocturnal movements of this catfish when it is in a relaxed state.

Because the fish may eat in a sloppy manner, which typically results in an excess of nitrogenous wastes, it is essential to have a filtration system that is very powerful running throughout the aquarium.

Additionally, it is necessary to have about two or more filters with canisters so that there is always a need for a backup.

It is essential to replace the water on a consistent basis in order to keep the nitrate level stable. The layout of the aquarium should be planned in such a way that promotes vigorous circulation of the water.

In addition, there should be adequate space both for hiding and for swimming to allow for a healthy balance. They should also have a heater in the tank, but it must be fixed securely to prevent any accidents.


This is another species that can be trusted with smaller fish, provided that those fish don’t exceed 25% of the fish’s total length. Barbs, Metynnis, and Oscar are some of the other inhabitants of this tank.


irwini catfish


This fish possesses a large number of bony plates and anything from fifteen to around eighteen lateral scutes, which expand along with the caudal fin, t the caudal peduncle does not have a plate either above or below it.

the caudal peduncle does not have a plate either above or below it. This particular catfish has a spotted pattern in the ventral region, and the spots are dark with varying shades of brown in color, with some markings that are black in color.

Moreover, the pectoral fin is lighter at the bottom of the tank and at the base end body of the fish. The adipose fin itself has a light color overall, with varying shades of brown concentrated at its base.

Condition of water

  • The temperature should range from 70 – 77 ℉.
  • PH: 5.5 – 7.5
  • Texture: 120 ° hard

How quickly does the Irwini catfish grow?

This species is gregarious, which means that an aquarium with base dimensions of 240 cm x 120 cm should be considered a minimum; nevertheless, in practice, this species is only suited for public aquariums and an extremely small percentage of private aquarists.

Adaptation and behavior

Very docile and compatible with a wide variety of other species in aquariums of the appropriate size.

Possible tank mates consist of characids like Metnis or Mylus spp., cichlids like Cichla and Geophagus, giant loricarids, and other doridids of a similar size like Pseudodorus niger, Potamotrygon, or Osteoglossum spp.

This species does better when kept in a certain group, and the ideal purchase would be a collection of at least four individuals of the same species.

What kind of food do Irwini catfish eat?

In their natural environment, Irwini cat fish consume a wide variety of foods, such as aquatic snails.

In the aquarium, however, they eat mussels, prawns, food sticks, catfish pellet, and earthworms. They also consume catfish pellet.

When and how do the Irwini catfish reproduce?

It turns out that there is no evidence whatsoever that the species has ever been successfully reproduced in an aquarium.