Fish Care

Can Goldfish and Guppies Live Together? A Comprehensive Guide

can goldfish and guppies live together

If you’re a fish enthusiast, you might be wondering if goldfish and guppies can live together in the same tank. The answer is yes, but it’s not as simple as throwing them together and hoping for the best.

Both species have different needs and requirements, so it’s important to know what you’re doing before you attempt to house them together.

Goldfish are known for being hardy and adaptable, but they produce a lot of waste, which can be harmful to other fish in the tank. Guppies, on the other hand, are small and delicate, and they can easily become prey for larger fish.

Additionally, guppies are known for their rapid reproduction, which can quickly lead to overcrowding in the tank.

So, while it’s possible for goldfish and guppies to coexist, it’s important to take precautions to ensure that both species are healthy and happy in their shared environment.

There are several factors to consider when housing goldfish and guppies together, including tank size, water parameters, and feeding requirements.

By doing your research and taking the necessary steps to create a suitable environment, you can successfully keep both species in the same tank.

In the following paragraphs, we’ll explore the pros and cons of keeping goldfish and guppies together, as well as provide tips and guidelines for doing so successfully.


Can Goldfish and Guppies Live Together?

If you’re considering keeping goldfish and guppies together, you may be wondering if they are compatible. The answer is yes, they can live together in the same tank, but there are some important factors to consider before doing so.

Factors to Consider

One of the most important factors to consider when keeping goldfish and guppies together is the size of the tank. Goldfish are larger and produce more waste than guppies, so they require a larger tank. A good rule of thumb is to have at least 20 gallons of water per goldfish and 5 gallons per guppy.

Another factor to consider is the water parameters. Goldfish prefer cooler water with a pH between 7.0 and 8.0, while guppies prefer warmer water with a pH between 7.0 and 7.8. You’ll need to find a middle ground that both species can tolerate.

It’s also important to consider the temperament of each species. Goldfish are generally peaceful, but they can be aggressive towards smaller fish, including guppies.

Guppies are known to be fast swimmers and may be able to avoid being chased by goldfish. However, if your goldfish are particularly aggressive, it may be best to keep them in a separate tank.

Benefits of Keeping Goldfish and Guppies Together

One benefit of keeping goldfish and guppies together is that they can add variety and color to your tank. Goldfish come in a variety of colors and shapes, while guppies are known for their vibrant colors and patterns.

Another benefit is that they can help keep your tank clean. Goldfish are known for producing a lot of waste, but guppies are active swimmers and can help stir up debris and waste to be filtered out by your tank’s filtration system.

Risks of Keeping Goldfish and Guppies Together

One risk of keeping goldfish and guppies together is the potential for disease transmission. Goldfish are known carriers of certain diseases that can be harmful to guppies. To prevent the transmission of diseases, it is crucial to quarantine any new fish before introducing them to your tank.

Another risk is the potential for aggression towards smaller fish, as mentioned earlier. If your goldfish are particularly aggressive, they may see guppies as prey and try to eat them.

In summary, goldfish and guppies can live together in the same tank, but it’s important to consider factors such as tank size, water parameters, and temperament before doing so. While there are benefits to keeping them together, there are also risks to be aware of.

Housing Requirements

When considering keeping goldfish and guppies together, it’s important to understand their housing requirements. Proper housing will ensure that both species can thrive in the same tank. Here are some key factors to consider:

Aquarium Size

Goldfish and guppies have different space requirements due to their size and activity levels. Goldfish are larger and produce more waste, so they need more space to swim and more water volume to dilute their waste.

A general rule of thumb is to provide 20 gallons of water per goldfish and 5 gallons per guppy. Therefore, a 30-gallon tank could house two goldfish and six guppies.


Good filtration is essential for maintaining water quality and ensuring the health of your fish. Goldfish produce a lot of waste, so a filter that can handle a higher volume of water is necessary.

A filter that can process at least 10 times the volume of the tank per hour is recommended. Guppies are less demanding and can tolerate lower flow rates.


Goldfish are cold-water fish that favor temperatures ranging from 65-75°F, whereas guppies are tropical fish that thrive in temperatures ranging from 72-82°F.

Therefore, finding a temperature in between is crucial. A temperature range of 70-75°F is suitable for both species. A heater may be necessary to maintain a consistent temperature.

Decorations and Plants

Both goldfish and guppies benefit from having hiding places and decorations in their tank. However, be cautious when choosing decorations as goldfish are notorious for eating plants and decorations that are too small can pose a choking hazard. Live plants can help absorb excess nutrients and provide oxygen for the fish.

In summary, when housing goldfish and guppies together, it’s important to consider their different requirements for tank size, filtration, temperature, and decorations. By providing suitable conditions for both species, they can coexist in the same tank.


When keeping goldfish and guppies together, it is important to ensure that both species are getting the proper nutrition. This can be done by feeding them separately.

Goldfish Diet

Goldfish are omnivores and need a varied diet to stay healthy. They can eat both plant-based and animal-based foods. Some of the best foods for goldfish include:

  • Pellets or flakes specifically formulated for goldfish
  • Vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, and peas
  • Live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia

It’s important to avoid overfeeding goldfish, as this can lead to health problems such as swim bladder disease.

Guppy Diet

Guppies are also omnivores, but they have different nutritional needs than goldfish. They require a diet that is higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates. Some of the best foods for guppies include:

  • High-quality flakes or pellets specifically formulated for guppies
  • Live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia
  • Vegetables such as spinach and peas

It’s important to avoid overfeeding guppies, as this can lead to health problems such as bloating.

Feeding Schedule

When keeping goldfish and guppies together, it’s best to feed them separately. This can be done by feeding the guppies in one area of the tank and the goldfish in another.

Feeding your fish small portions of food multiple times a day is preferable to a single large feeding, as per recommendations. This helps to prevent overfeeding and ensures that all of the fish are getting the proper nutrition.

Remember to remove any uneaten food from the tank after feeding to prevent it from polluting the water.

Behavior and Interaction

When considering keeping goldfish and guppies together, it’s important to understand the behavior and interaction between the two species. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Goldfish Behavior

Goldfish are generally peaceful fish that prefer to swim in groups. They are known for their slow and deliberate movements and spend most of their time near the bottom of the tank. Goldfish are also known for their tendency to eat almost anything, including plants and other fish.

Guppy Behavior

Guppies are small, colorful fish that are known for their active and playful behavior. They are social fish that prefer to swim in groups and are often seen swimming near the top of the tank. Guppies are also known for their love of live plants, which they will often nibble on.

Interaction between Goldfish and Guppies

While goldfish and guppies can technically live together, there are some things to keep in mind. Goldfish are much larger and more aggressive than guppies, and they may see guppies as a potential food source.

Additionally, goldfish are known for their tendency to eat live plants, which can be a problem if you have guppies in the same tank.

In case you choose to keep goldfish and guppies together, ensuring that the guppies have ample hiding spots is critical.

You may also want to consider feeding your goldfish separately to prevent them from eating all of the food before the guppies have a chance to eat.

Overall, while it is possible to keep goldfish and guppies together, it is important to keep a close eye on their behavior and interaction to ensure that both species are happy and healthy.


In summary, keeping goldfish and guppies together is possible, but it requires careful consideration of several factors. Both species have different requirements when it comes to water parameters, diet, and tankmates.

One of the most important things to consider is tank size. Goldfish can grow quite large and require a lot of space to swim around.

Guppies, on the other hand, are much smaller and can thrive in smaller tanks. It’s recommended to have at least 20 gallons of water per goldfish and an additional 5 gallons per guppy.

Another important consideration is the temperature of the water. Goldfish prefer cooler water, while guppies prefer warmer water. It’s important to find a balance that works for both species, ideally in the low to mid 70°F range.

When it comes to diet, goldfish and guppies have different needs. Goldfish are omnivores and require a diet that is high in protein.

Guppies, on the other hand, are primarily herbivores and require a diet that is high in plant matter. It’s important to provide a varied diet that meets the needs of both species.

Finally, it’s important to consider tankmates. Goldfish can be aggressive towards smaller fish like guppies, so it’s important to choose tankmates that are compatible with both species. Some good options include other peaceful community fish like tetras or corydoras.

In conclusion, keeping goldfish and guppies together can be done successfully, but it requires careful consideration of several factors. By following the guidelines above, you can create a happy and healthy environment for both species.