Fish Care

Will a Betta Fish Kill a Goldfish? Here’s What You Need to Know

Will a Betta Fish Kill a Goldfish

If you are considering keeping multiple fish in the same aquarium, you may be wondering whether a betta fish will kill a goldfish. This is a common question among fish owners, and the answer is not always straightforward.

While it is possible for a betta fish to kill a goldfish, it largely depends on a number of factors, including the size and temperament of the fish, the size of the tank, and the overall environment of the aquarium.

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are known for their aggressive behavior. They are territorial creatures that can become very aggressive towards other fish, particularly those that are similar in size and appearance.

Goldfish, on the other hand, are generally peaceful and non-aggressive. However, they can be quite active and may accidentally bump into other fish, which can trigger aggressive behavior in more territorial fish like bettas.

So, while it is possible for a betta fish to kill a goldfish, it is not a foregone conclusion and largely depends on the specific circumstances of the aquarium.


If you have a betta fish and a goldfish, you might be wondering if they can live together in the same tank. While it is possible for them to coexist peacefully, it’s important to understand their behavior and tank requirements to ensure a safe and healthy environment for both fish.

Betta Fish Behavior

Betta fish are known for their aggressive behavior, especially towards other fish that have bright colors or flowing fins.

They are territorial and will defend their space from intruders, which can lead to fights and injuries. However, not all betta fish are the same, and some may be more tolerant of tank mates than others.

Goldfish Behavior

Goldfish are generally peaceful and social fish that enjoy swimming in groups. They are not aggressive towards other fish and can coexist with a variety of species.

However, they have a tendency to nibble on plants and can produce a lot of waste, which can affect the water quality in the tank.

Tank Size and Set-Up

The general rule of thumb is to provide at least 10 gallons of water per fish for tank size. This ensures that they have enough space to swim and reduces the risk of aggression and stress. It’s also important to provide hiding places and plants to create a natural environment and reduce stress.

When setting up the tank, make sure to provide adequate filtration and perform regular water changes to maintain good water quality.

Betta fish prefer warm water temperatures between 75-82°F, while goldfish prefer cooler temperatures between 65-72°F. Therefore, it’s important to choose tank mates that have similar temperature requirements.

In summary, betta fish and goldfish can live together in the same tank, but it’s important to understand their behavior and tank requirements to ensure compatibility.

Providing enough space, hiding places, and good water quality can help reduce the risk of aggression and stress.

Aggression and Fighting

When it comes to keeping betta fish and goldfish together, aggression and fighting are the main concerns.

Betta fish are known for their territorial and aggressive behavior, which can lead to bullying and harassment of other fish in the same tank.

In this section, we will discuss the different types of aggressive behavior that betta fish exhibit towards goldfish.

Territorial Behavior

Betta fish are territorial by nature and will defend their space aggressively against any perceived threat. Your betta fish may become aggressive towards goldfish if they feel that their territory is being invaded. This can lead to chasing, fin nipping, and even physical fighting between the two fish.

Aggressive Behavior

Betta fish are also known for their aggressive behavior towards other fish. They may attack goldfish, especially if they are smaller or weaker.

Aggressive behavior can include biting, chasing, and flaring (when the betta fish spreads its fins and gills to appear larger and more intimidating).

Bullying and Harassment

Bullying and harassment can occur when a betta fish constantly chases or nips at a goldfish, causing stress and physical harm.

This can lead to the goldfish becoming sick or injured, and may even result in death. If you notice that your betta fish is constantly harassing your goldfish, it is important to separate them immediately.

In conclusion, it is not recommended to keep betta fish and goldfish together in the same tank due to the risk of aggression and fighting.

Betta fish are known for their territorial and aggressive behavior, which can lead to bullying and harassment of other fish in the same tank.

If you do decide to keep them together, it is important to closely monitor their behavior and separate them if necessary to prevent any harm to either fish.

Physical Compatibility

When it comes to keeping betta fish and goldfish together, it’s important to consider their physical compatibility.

While they may both be fish, they have different requirements and behaviors that can make it difficult for them to live together in the same tank.

Size Differences

One of the biggest physical differences between betta fish and goldfish is their size. Goldfish can grow quite large, while betta fish are much smaller.

This size difference can cause problems when they are kept together in the same tank. Goldfish are known to be quite active and can easily bump into smaller fish like bettas, causing injury or stress.

Fin Nipping

Another issue that can arise when keeping betta fish and goldfish together is fin nipping. Goldfish are notorious for nipping at the fins of other fish, and bettas are no exception.

This behavior can cause significant damage to the delicate fins of bettas, leading to infection or even death.

Disease and Infection

Finally, it’s important to consider the risk of disease and infection when keeping betta fish and goldfish together. Goldfish are known carriers of certain diseases that can be deadly to other fish, including bettas.

Additionally, bettas are susceptible to stress, which can weaken their immune system and make them more vulnerable to disease.

Overall, while it is possible to keep betta fish and goldfish together in the same tank, it is not recommended.

The physical differences between the two species, combined with their different behaviors and requirements, can make it difficult for them to coexist peacefully.

If you want to keep both bettas and goldfish, it’s best to provide them with separate tanks to ensure their health and well-being.


In conclusion, it is not recommended to keep betta fish and goldfish together in the same tank. While some people may have had success with this combination, it is important to consider the compatibility of the two species before attempting to house them together.

Betta fish are known for their aggressive behavior and territorial nature, which can lead to them attacking and potentially killing goldfish. Goldfish, on the other hand, are peaceful and social creatures that thrive in groups.

If you do decide to keep betta fish and goldfish together, it is important to provide plenty of hiding spots and plants in the tank to give the goldfish a chance to escape from the betta fish if necessary.

Additionally, it is recommended to keep the tank size large enough to accommodate both species comfortably.

It is also important to note that different types of goldfish may have different temperaments and may be more or less compatible with betta fish.

For example, fancy goldfish with delicate fins may be more vulnerable to attacks from betta fish than sturdier varieties like common goldfish.

Overall, while it is possible to keep betta fish and goldfish together, it is not recommended due to the risk of aggression and potential harm to the goldfish. It is best to keep these species in separate tanks to ensure their health and well-being.