Fish Care

Best Fish for a 6 Gallon Tank: A Comprehensive Guide

Best Fish for a 6 Gallon Tank

If you’re interested in setting up a 6 gallon tank, you may be wondering what types of fish are best suited for this size of aquarium. While a 6 gallon tank is a relatively small space, there are still a number of fish species that can thrive in this environment.

However, it’s important to choose fish that are appropriate for the size of your tank to ensure they have enough space to swim and thrive.

When selecting fish for a 6 gallon tank, you’ll need to consider a number of factors, including the size of the fish, their activity level, and their compatibility with other fish. Some fish, like bettas, guppies, and tetras, are well-suited to smaller tanks and can thrive in a 6 gallon aquarium.

Other fish, like goldfish, require much more space to swim and should not be kept in a tank this small. By selecting the right type of fish for your tank, you can create a beautiful and thriving aquatic environment that you’ll enjoy for years to come.

Suitable Fish for a 6 Gallon Tank

When it comes to choosing fish for a 6 gallon tank, it’s important to remember that not all fish are suitable for such a small space. In general, small fish and invertebrates are a better fit for a tank of this size. Here are a few options to consider:

Betta Fish

BBetta fish, also referred to as Siamese fighting fish, are commonly kept in small tanks due to their hardiness, ease of care, and availability in a wide range of colors and tail shapes.

However, it’s important to note that bettas are territorial and should not be kept with other fish. A single betta can thrive in a 6 gallon tank with plenty of hiding places and a heater to maintain a consistent temperature.


Guppies are another great option for a 6 gallon tank. They are small, colorful, and peaceful fish that can live in groups. However, it’s important to avoid overstocking the tank and to provide plenty of hiding places for the fish. A heater is also necessary to maintain a consistent temperature.

Neon Tetras

Neon tetras are a popular choice for larger tanks, but they can also do well in a 6 gallon tank if kept in a small group. They are small, peaceful fish that come in vibrant colors. However, it’s important to avoid overstocking the tank and to provide plenty of hiding places for the fish. A heater is also necessary to maintain a consistent temperature.


Shrimp are a great addition to a 6 gallon tank. They are small, peaceful, and come in a variety of colors. They also help keep the tank clean by eating algae and leftover food. However, it’s important to avoid keeping shrimp with fish that may eat them, such as bettas.


Snails are another great addition to a 6 gallon tank. They are peaceful, help keep the tank clean by eating algae and leftover food, and come in a variety of colors. However, it’s important to avoid overstocking the tank and to provide plenty of hiding places for the snails.

Overall, when choosing fish for a 6 gallon tank, it’s important to consider the size and temperament of the fish, as well as the needs of the tank. With proper care and attention, any of these options can thrive in a 6 gallon tank.

Factors to Consider

When selecting fish for your 6 gallon tank, there are several factors to consider. These include water parameters, fish compatibility, and feeding requirements.

Water Parameters

Ensuring that the water parameters in your tank are suitable for the fish you choose is crucial. Some fish require specific water conditions, such as a certain pH level or temperature range. Before selecting fish, make sure you research their specific requirements and ensure they are compatible with the conditions in your tank.

Fish Compatibility

Not all fish are compatible with each other. Some fish may be aggressive towards others, while some may be too small to live with larger fish. It is important to choose fish that will get along with each other and can coexist peacefully in the same tank.

Feeding Requirements

Different fish have different feeding requirements. Some fish are herbivores, while others are carnivores or omnivores. It is important to choose fish that have similar feeding requirements to ensure they can be fed the same type of food.

In addition to these factors, it is important to consider the size of the fish you choose. A 6 gallon tank can only accommodate a limited number of fish, and it is important to ensure that the fish you choose will have enough space to swim and thrive.

Overall, it is important to do your research and choose fish that are well-suited for a 6 gallon tank and compatible with each other. By considering these factors, you can ensure that your fish will be healthy and happy in their new home.

Maintenance Tips

To keep your 6 gallon tank clean and healthy for your fish, you need to follow some maintenance tips. Here are some essential tips for maintaining your tank:

Water Changes

Regular water changes are essential to keep your fish healthy. You should change 20% of the water every week. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Turn off the filter and heater.
  2. Use a siphon to remove water from the tank.
  3. Add fresh water to the tank, making sure it’s the same temperature as the tank water.
  4. Turn on the filter and heater.

Tank Cleaning

Cleaning your tank regularly is crucial to keep your fish healthy. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Remove your fish from the tank and place them in a separate container.
  2. Remove all decorations and plants from the tank.
  3. Use an aquarium-safe cleaner to clean the tank walls and bottom.
  4. Rinse the tank thoroughly with tap water.
  5. Put back the decorations and plants.
  6. Fill the tank with fresh water and add a dechlorinator.
  7. Let the tank run for at least 24 hours before putting your fish back in.

Filter Maintenance

Your filter is essential for keeping your tank clean and healthy. Here’s how to maintain it:

  1. Check the filter every week to make sure it’s working correctly.
  2. Clean the filter every month to remove any debris.
  3. Replace the filter cartridge every three months.

By following these maintenance tips, you can keep your 6 gallon tank clean and healthy for your fish.


In summary, a 6-gallon tank is a relatively small space for fish to live in, and it is important to choose the right species that are best suited for this size of tank. After researching and considering various factors, the following fish are some of the best options for a 6-gallon tank:

  1. Betta Fish: Betta fish, commonly referred to as Siamese fighting fish, are a popular option for small tanks because of their compact size and low maintenance needs. They are also known for their vibrant colors and unique personalities.
  2. Guppies: Guppies are another great option for a 6-gallon tank. They are small, colorful, and easy to care for. They are also known for their active and playful nature, which can be entertaining to watch.
  3. Neon Tetras: Neon tetras are a popular choice for small tanks due to their small size and peaceful nature. They are also known for their bright colors and distinctive stripes, which can add a pop of color to your tank.
  4. Shrimp: Shrimp are a great option for those who want to add some variety to their tank. They are small, easy to care for, and come in a variety of colors and patterns. They can also help keep your tank clean by eating algae and other debris.

It is important to note that while these fish are well-suited for a 6-gallon tank, it is still important to provide them with a suitable environment. This includes proper filtration, heating, and lighting, as well as regular water changes and maintenance.

Overall, choosing the right fish for your 6-gallon tank can be a fun and rewarding experience. By selecting the right species and providing them with a suitable environment, you can create a beautiful and thriving aquatic ecosystem in your home.